Useful information about Duquesa & the Manilva area
Keep your eye on this page of our blog.
This is where you will be able to find all kinds of useful information in relation to Duquesa, Manilva and the surrounding areas. It is our intention to keep building this page over the coming months and so whether you are new to the area or an regular face around Duquesa and Manilva, let us know if there is anything you would like to suggest that we post on this page. Contact us at Barrington Homes or email me directly at
If you are looking to buy a property in Duquesa, Barrington Homes are a respected and trusted real estate agency, we realise and appreciate the importance of your decision to purchase a property in Spain. Buying a property in Spain is a dream for many, but it’s also a serious investment. That’s why you need to the best possible advice from a reliable, well-established company. Our experience, professionalism and friendly approach have gained Barrington Homes an excellent reputation and one that we are very proud of.